All about me

Welcome to my personal section. On this page you will learn a bit more about the woman behind the website. My name is Jodine and I am in my mid twenties. I was born and raised in Den Bosch, a small town in the South of the Netherlands. Since April 7th I have a fulltime job as a social worker. I help people that are in serious debts. Though it is quite an interesting job I am looking for a new challenge. I am hoping that something nice will cross my path.

I am still living at home and including myself we consist of four people. Mum, dad, an older brother and myself. We have also got a wonderful dog. Her name is Carisia and she is a real sweetheart. I like taking her on long walks and she loves to play with her ball during those walks.

Of course walking Carisia isn't my only interest.I have a lot of hobbies. I really enjoy reading and going to the movies. Furthermore I like shopping, building webpages, swimming, going out and dancing. I am also trying to keep fit. I visit the fitness center 2 times a week. It's good for my body and spirit.

Maybe this site has got you believing that I am wiccan or pagan and practicing the craft but none of the options mentioned are true. I made this site because I am a spiritual person. I believe there is more out there than meets the eye and this website is my way of showing this belief to the world.