Magical places Welcome to the Magical Places section of Something Magical Comes Your Way. Within this section you will learn about mysterious locations. These locations are spread all over the world. They have hidden treasures and great mystery. This site will look for answers about these locations.
First we will take a plan and fly to England. Let's visit Stonehenge. Stonehenge seems to have been constructed in three phases, covering the period from 2200BC to 1200BC. It was magnificent feat of megalithic engineering. The gigantic sarsen stones, great sandstone boulders arranged like doorways and capped with stone lintels, weigh up to 5o tons and were dragged to the site from the Marlborough Downs 30km (20 miles) to the north, in a time when wheeled vehicles were unknown. The bluestones forming the smaller pillars came from Prescelly in South West Wales, over 161km (100 miles) away.
Then we will dash over to Mexico to meet the Majas and Azthecs. They ruled the jungles of the Yucatan for over a thousand years. Ferocious warriors, the Maya fought the Spanish and held them in a stalemate for twenty years. Finally, in the end, they walked away from their pyramids and temples and returned to the fields leaving behind ruins that boggle the imagination. Who were the Mayans, what were their beliefs, and what happened to them? If you want an answer to these questions then read this section.
Have you ever wondered about the pyramids? Do you have questions on old Egypt? Then travel to the Pyramids with us. Ancient Egyptian history covers a continuous period of over three thousand years. To put this in perspective - most modern countries count their histories in hundreds of years. Only modern China can come anywhere near this in terms of historical continuity.
Egyptian culture declined and disappeared nearly two thousand years ago. The last vestiges of the living culture ceased to exist in AD 391 when the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius I closed all pagan temples throughout the Roman Empire.
In old Peru lived the Incas and they left a rich heritage to these south Americans. Between 1200 and 1535 AD, the Inca population lived in the part of South America extending from the Equator to the Pacific coast of Chile. The beginning of the Inca rule started with the conquest of the Moche Culture in Peru. The Inca were warriors with a strong and powerful army. Because of the fierceness of their army and their hierarchical organization, they became the largest Native American society. The height of their reign in the 15th century came to a brutal end in 1535 when the Spanish conquistadors took over their territory.